Prepare to write

Thank you for your emails and calls last week helping me to celebrate 3 years of writing newsletters to you, my Make Your Mondays Matter  I hope you’ve started brainstorming your ideas for your writing too?

Many of my clients ask me how I keep writing and what’s my secrets?  So, in case it helps you too, I’ll share them with you.  They’re nothing really special, it just helps me do it consistently.  And consistency is key.

Most things can be complex and complicated but one of my top strengths from my 25 years business experience is being able to take complex tasks like Sales and Marketing, and work out easy-to-use yet super-effective systems which I share with my business coaching clients.  They can consistently perform and significantly increase their sales. These systems work a treat, I call them my sexy systems!!  I like to work things out in a way that’s clear and calm,  gets results and I can keep doing it.  And if I can do it, so can you 🙂

So, here’s a few pointers today to get you in the mood to start and keep writing, whether it’s a newsletter or a blog …

I first prepare and save my time for writing to you.

I schedule an hour in the diary so I know it’s saved for writing to you. In fact I put 2 hour slots in my diary each week. One on Monday and one on Friday. So just in case I’m on the phone or I’m helping my clients, then I know I have time set aside later. It gives me room to breathe.

What time is best to write?

I usually write towards the end of the day, it’s when I prefer to, between 5pm and 6pm is my fave time. I know some of my clients who write love getting up early and find the 5am – 6 am time is best as it’s usually the quietest part of their day (with barely any interruptions because everyone is still asleep!) and works best for them. But I prefer some noise and stimulation to inspire me and get my writing juices flowing!

So, start writing at different times and see how you get on and see what time suits you best. When do you feel more inspired to write, morning or afternoon?  or maybe you’re a night owl?

Make notes.

I use notes on my iphone.  I find it’s so easy to pick up the phone, as it’s always by my side! Especially if I’m out and not with my laptop.  I can quickly make some notes on ideas and find that ‘in that moment’ my words flow. I love writing on trains. Probably because I’m relaxed, well I’m not allowed to drive the train!! So I have to just sit. And relax. And then I get an idea and the urge to write and start making notes on my iphone!

Then, with my notes written, I can then easily email it to myself and copy the text straight into my email template.  Then I can edit it later and make it sizzle!

Some writers and bloggers take pictures, to inspire them later and Evernote or One Note are great places to keep all your ideas, pictures and links to webpages if you’re researching first.  You can then see them on your phone and your laptop, all synching together nicely!

I also plan out topics in advance, (from my brainstorming time) so I know what’s coming next.  Which gives me a good base to start.  Unless another idea overtakes, then I do feel compelled to write that to you instead!

There’s no rules really!

Well, I do have one rule!

I always think of you.

Not everyone I have on my list, on Twitter, facebook, G+, LinkedIn, that’s just so overwhelming and noisy in my head!  When I’m writing I always have you in my mind. I picture you.  I write for you. One person. I think about what you need now.

Your Action Point today is to schedule an hour (or two) in your diary for writing your blog or newsletter.  Then when your saved hour arrives, just start writing and edit later. On the second hour you can always edit.  It’s good to write your first draft, have a break, then read it again and edit twice.  Top tip: save what you edit out. It will probably be the workings or idea for another piece of writing.

If you’re already writing, what’s  your secrets? I’d love to know. Please do comment below if you’d like to share your tips with us. Thanks in advance.

So, I hope that helps and inspires you to have a go at writing too.  If I can do it, so can you 🙂

Do ping me an email or get in touch if you’re stuck or have a question for me. Always here to help you.

Go and make your Monday matter now!

To your success and happiness,

Jo James xx

P.S.  Are you joining us for Contacts and Cocktails? Go here to book your ticket and we’ll see you for a fun and productive evening.

Do email me or call me on 07968 016 585 if you have any questions. I am here to help you.