Stories of Success – my clients get real results, fast!

Meet Nic Fisher

Nicola-Designer-and-owner-at-Creative-Haus“We’ve doubled our sales and enjoyed doing it!”

I first met Jo at a business networking club and it quickly became clear that I and my business, The Creative Haus, could really benefit from her skills. Jo wasn’t just a business mentor who had been on a couple of courses. She had walked the walk and built her own businesses to six figures, so I knew she was the one to help me. For although my company had been successfully running for 13 years at this point, we were ready to take the next step but I wasn’t sure how to best do that considering we weren’t sales people, we were designers! I really needed to increase not only the client base with the right type of clients, but increase the profit of the business.

What we did

First Jo pinpointed that attending her Sales Training would be a great start for me – I would learn valuable skills to build my business without it being painful or time consuming. We outlined some activities that were being missed in my business, that by simply understanding why they should be done and then implementing them would make a huge difference.

And boy, was Jo right!! After the one day course I was energised, and went back to my team to transfer some of my new found knowledge… and one week later we had landed a £10,000 project. Directly related to the training I had received, specifically the alternative close technique that Jo taught me.

So it really worked!

The buzz from trying something new, and gaining real results, easily, pain free, and not like selling at all was a total eye opener. Jo’s support, fantastic advice, her understanding of how to build on a six-figure business, and her knowledge when faced with any query I have with regards to moving my business on, led me to join one of her Mastermind Groups.

I can honestly say the day spent attending the group each month has changed me beyond recognition – in a good way!! I focus on my business during that day, in a small group with like minded individuals. Each time I have to implement something new on my return to the office and the response from my team, the clients, and the bottom line of the business, to the new and improved ‘us’ has been incredible.

Our Results

We have doubled our sales, gained new clients of the right size and targeted sectors that we wanted to work in, AND ENJOYED DOING IT!!! Today, I have just attended my second meeting with an international household name company – a brand at the top of British brands – who I placed on my Top 10 list during Jo’s very first Sales Workshop. By using Jo’s techniques I listened out for the opportunities and they appeared! So the second meeting today was to put forward a proposal for a project. Perfect.

Personally, I am more confident, I understand business and more specifically my business better, I have more direction of where I would like the business to go, and an understanding of how to make that happen. And my accounts are even happier with the results!!

So thanks Jo, from Nic Fisher her accountant, and her clients!



Meet Valerie Merrill


“I’ve seen my turnover increase by 30%”

I approached Jo in the first place for Monthly Mentoring to give me a fresh business perspective and some synergy.  Being so close to the business means that you can lose sight of what is happening.  You can lack the higher level strategy because you are down in the granular weeds working all the time.

What we did

Jo takes an holistic approach to each individual, so we worked on business goals as well as personal ones.  As Jo has a wealth of experience , she has her own toolset and checklist for diagnosing business issues.  Her questioning is keen but nurturing, allowing you to explore avenues.  Jo quickly hones in on what you should be being done now and in the future which in my case was on a list To Be Done and not being done.

Meeting in her office of zen is great but Jo is very flexible on how, when and where due to Skype.  Every session ended with an Action Plan of takeaways and the follow up sessions were planned so I can have a mid-month chat about how I was getting on, what was working and what I still needed help with.

Short term focus means better results instantly.

Jo gets very close to what you are doing so can highlight what needs to happen and what to work on next.  In the longer  term she is an extension of my company. I enjoyed doing the different exercises too; loved the timeline walk and the visualisation techniques are so powerful.  I have worked on my Top 10, or 20, every month, and have got through so many things from my To-Do List, which weren’t getting done before!

Over twelve months, I have seen my turnover increase by 30%.  Jo opens your mind to opportunities and ideas and gives you permission to be yourself.


Meet Ally Maughan



“I trebled my business to multiple six-figures”

Ally runs her own HR Consultancy and wanted to take her business to the next level but didn’t know quite what to do next. As it was her first business she really wanted guidance and advice on how to grow her business.

What we did

Ally completed my 90 day program and then after seeing such great results during those three months she continued working with me on my Monthly Mentoring Program and is going from strength to strength, consistently growing her business and winning more clients each month.

Getting results, fast!

Ally really surprised herself at how fast she tripled her income to multiple six-figures and is now heading to a new goal of £500,000 in the next nine months. Ally  implemented an email marketing campaign, put on her first Workshop and successfully recruited five new members of staff to take on the extra level of business she has secured. Results!! Ally enjoyed the new areas of work to focus on and having to be accountable to someone (me!) which has really helped her to keep taking steps towards her goals.

“It has all become more do-able. I’ve been clear on what to do next, who to target and how to win new clients. I gained 6 new clients in one month and have tripled my income already”

How fantastic is that!


Meet Susan Moore



“I won 5 new clients in 28 days”

Susan Moore has a business that provides Virtual Assistants.  Susan first attended my Sales Workshop in February and immediately implemented the strategy as in her words, “Jo made the sales process easy for me to follow, and I actually felt excited to do it! And when I started getting results so fast I kept doing it and I got 5 new clients in 28 days.

What we did next

I signed up to Jo’s Monthly Mentoring Program.  Together we created different packages for people to buy my new services which has made it easier for me to attract the right clients and increase my income.” I’ve also created a new range of business services to add even more value to my clients. The take up has been great and I’ve already got 8 new clients in 3 months as a direct result of working with Jo. It gives me the plan and the focus I need.

My results

I have now increased my business by 25% in 5 months. And I keep making sales and have taken on more VAs. Result!

This is why I love doing what I do, helping my clients get real results, fast.

So would you like me to help you?

Get in touch today and let’s talk about your business and how I can help you now