Jump start your 2024 business success in the AmberLife Action Group
Hello, how are you getting on? Are you looking to build new habits this year, make more sales, or get your new business idea up and running? From working with hundreds of business owners from those starting on a new venture to seasoned entrepreneurs, I can help you make things happen and see results.
For many, 2023 was more challenging than usual, and even though efforts were made, many businesses had slow growth or remained stagnant. It’s hard enough running a business with everything on your shoulders, and when we don’t get the results or hit our goals, we start to think it all needs changing, and panic sets in, or we procrastinate and nothing gets done.
Times like this also lead to opportunities, and in my experience, some things do need to change. Finding new revenue streams or developing new business skills are two ways to propel your figures in 2024.
And inaction doesn’t help! Change can be exhilarating and freeing when you give yourself permission to do it!
If you’re feeling like you need to make some changes, but are fed up working it out by yourself and would welcome support, check out my popular AmberLife Action Group to start the year in a more positive light, and give yourself the space and time to take your business to the next level.
What would you love to see happen this year? (I hear you, – world peace for starters) The News right now is horrible and can make us feel helpless, so let’s look at what we can control and build from there. Start with creating and visualising your dreams to generate momentum for you and your clients.
What revenue goals do you have for your business in 2024? Are you confident in your sales skills or need a refresh? Developing sales skills is a VITAL skill for all business success. With my proven sales training methods and techniques, I make sales palatable and do-able. Good news! It doesn’t need to be hard or take ages to see results with your new learnings, my clients usually DOUBLE (or triple) their sales, and see REAL results fast. Come and learn how to sell the anti-selling way!
What projects are you looking to make headway on? What ideas have you been kicking around, but without accountability, they’re still in your notebook? Let’s get them into the open air, priortise your list of things to do, and by taking consistent action you’ll make good progress. In previous Action Groups, new programs and services have been created, and new sales made. Web pages have been written and new businesses have started. What do you have in mind?
The AmberLife Action Group will help you take action on your dreams and goals, developing your skills to transform your business in 2024. Giving you clarity, focus, and direction to drive business growth to support your business future, and feel good along the way.
“Future-proofing your business”, as my clients say! Email me here to Register your place.
Read how Clare jump-started her new business in the Amberlife Action Group …
“Attending the AmberLife Action Group with other people powering through similar issues was motivating. Techniques to manage my time have already made a difference and I’ve been consistent with my sales activity to drive revenue. Jo’s energy and drive is infectious. Her advice is both pragmatic and easy to put into practice immediately. Doing these sessions as part of a group makes it a great place to share difficulties of the week, get advice and learn more to build your business.” Clare Mayell, Director of Projects that deliver
Let’s FUTURE-PROOF your business.
How do we work together?
This is NOT a series of videos for you to watch. I’m helping you every week working on your business with you in the AmberLife meeting room, online.
Empowering you with the best MINDSET techniques and PRACTICAL proven ways to make more sales and make progress on your goals.
Propelling you to take action to develop your business, and see more results, and your ideas come to life. Imagine how good that will feel. 🙌🏼
PLUS, I’ll be answering your questions in Q&A time and highlighting key action points for you to work on. Giving you CLEAR direction for progress.
Are you looking to make more sales but stuck with ‘following up’ or ‘closing’ the sale? With my proven sales strategies for success, come and see what new business you can win in 10 weeks!
Send me an email here to join the Group or ask me any questions.

EVERY member of The Action Groups feels more confident to drive business growth with 96 % of clients having won NEW business during the 10-week program. I’m so proud of them and how they took action together. 🤩
Nadrali DOUBLED her SALES and PROFIT and said she didn’t realise it would be so much fun!
“I’m so happy I joined Jo James’ Action Group. It was a really wonderful experience, we wanted to take Ben and Nadrali Ceramics a step further, make more profit and the Action Group was definitely the right step for us.
We were able to increase our sales, in fact, DOUBLE our sales over that 10-week period. I have a toolbox FULL of tools to go on using. Jo James’ energy is completely contagious, I feel so much more CONFIDENT and have so much more know-how.
I’m really excited to see where we go with Ben and Nadrali Ceramics with all these NEW TOOLS and INSIGHTS. It was really FUN, really QUICK and EFFECTIVE and VERY PROFITABLE for us so thank you very much, Jo, it was great.” Nadrali from Ben and Nadrali Ceramics
Join me to work ON your business, not just in it!
No more sitting there by yourself wondering what to do! Instead…
Have a positive and safe space to work on your business.
Develop your marketing and sales skills to raise your profile and win new business.
Enjoy empowering mindset strategies for a more productive working day
Drive business growth with my super-effective, easy-to-implement growth plan. We’ll do it together!
Join me to work on your business in the AmberLife Action Group and see REAL results, fast. After taking action you’ll feel great knowing you have taken positive steps to build your business!
Hear what Josie had to say and how much she achieved …

“Every week in the AmberLife Action Group was like being plugged in and recharged.
I love working with Jo, her energy, her enthusiasm and she genuinely really cares about you and brings such vibrancy and simplicity to getting things done. The support is amazing, I was no longer alone trying to work things out.
Having action points personalised for me each week was so motivating that things got done!
I gained new clients and new skills in organising my working week. I have a renewed confidence in the way forward and now my business is feeling so exciting again.
Jo has a fantastic skill at holding the space in group meetings and bringing in so much love, motivation and positivity which flows into your being and therefore into your business. Thank you so much Jo!” Josie Truelove, Mind Calm Practitioner and Reiki Teacher Training
Get clarity, a renewed confidence, and get going!
Do you want to kick-start some new marketing ideas? Learn new ways of prioritising your time and feel renewed confidence?
Do you want to work with MORE of your ideal clients and grow your business?
Are you looking to get your new business ideas or projects started?
If you answered yes to any of the above, come and join us!
We’ll meet for 10 sessions online together for group training, AND in Q&A time you can get your questions answered.
There’s plenty of interaction during the 10-week training, it’s engaging, and experiential and you will inspire each other as you go on this journey together, starting January 29th 2024
Email me here to get started on your journey of success this year.
Annie launched her new service in the AmberLife Action Group
I have worked with Jo over the last 8 years more recently being coached and encouraged in her Action Groups. As a photographer, I felt it was important to continue to invest in my development and joined Jo’s Action Group to help me keep momentum in my business development.
I have successfully launched a new photography service with the help and encouragement of the AmberLife Action Group, and I am very grateful to Jo for her NLP techniques, accountability, and business knowledge that have helped me so much through these challenging times. Highly recommend!
Empowering you with vital skills for success!
During these 10 weeks in The AmberLife Action Group you can:
Activate your intention to drive business growth
Create excitement for your business and make REAL progress
Take action, feel empowered, and stop getting in your own way!
Implement your learnings together, and generate new business.
Optimise opportunities and get clarity to maximise your revenue
Notice your sales superpowers develop during the 10 weeks to see more results and work with more of your ideal clients.

Feel more confident with your new skills for 2024, and beyond.
As you develop your business mindset you will be able to respond with more confidence to the challenges ahead.
The AmberLife Action Group is a positive way of working together on your business and having some time for you and your self-development.
In previous groups:
🤩 One member reached her goal in the 5th week and doubled her revenue in 10 weeks!
🤩 One member found her direction again, renewed her passion, and her Pilates classes are now fully booked.
🤩 Members wrote blogs, newsletters and web pages (with my handy copywriting tips)
✅they raised their profile online – one member grew her new instagram account from zero to 300 followers in one month with my social tips
✅they transformed their environment, created a beautiful, healthy office space in their home
✅ ticked things off their (very long!) list of things to do
✅ and were very happy they secured new client work with my savvy sales steps!
With my sales, marketing and mindset training PLUS Q&A time for every business, every week, you’ll get moving again, and see more results.
“I’m feeling so positive, which in these times is a relief and gives me more purpose. In 6 weeks, I signed up 5 new clients with my new service and I’ve had my best months ever.
My business is using my Bodylogiq approach to relieve people from pain, working with entrepreneurs on their backs, necks and shoulders. Jo helped me to create the Bodylogiq clinic online, and I now have a clear way of how I can serve my clients which has opened up new opportunities to work all over the world.
I’m clearer and feel more confident my business will thrive.
Take advantage of this offer and get Jo’s help and eyes on your business.” Karen Chapell, Pain-Free Practitioner at KarenChappell.org
Let’s build your business together in the AmberLife Action Group.
I look forward to welcoming you into the AmberLife Action Group, an encouraging and safe space for you to learn and grow.
Your investment for ALL 10 weeks is only €995.00, but you can SAVE €150 if you book your place today, so only €845.00 to join the group*
*The numbers in the group are limited to 8 people, so I can give you individual time and attention, so reserve your place today to avoid disappointment.
“Thanks for the session today. I’m finding them very helpful and it’s so nice to be part of such a gorgeous group of people. I am moving forward without a doubt, thanks to being a part of this group, thank you ” said one of the action group members.
I look forward to working with you. Come for 10 x 60-minute sessions, starting January, 29th for 10 sessions.
Email me here if you have any questions, we can always have a call or a video call first to answer any questions.
To your success and happiness,
Jo James xx
P.S. If you know of a business owner who wants to develop their business now, please forward this page to help them. Thank you in advance.
“I love working with Jo.
It was really helpful having an online space where I could dedicate a couple of hours every week to my business. No courses to work through, no webinars or hard-sell, I appreciated the simplicity of this – just the benefit of Jo’s experience and insight on my business every week along with the support of a small like-minded group of women. Really practical help combined with Jo’s enthusiasm is a great combination, especially during tough times – Jo is priceless!”
Book on to the AmberLife Action Group and
Book on to the AmberLife Action Group here today, build your business, and feel doing it!
Your investment is €995 to work together from 29th January to end of March 2024,
BUT, you can book your place today for only €845, and SAVE €150.
Do you need a payment plan? No problem!
email me to join and arrange 2 payments of €425
I’d love to welcome you into the AmberLife Action Group for you and your business.
To your success and happiness
Jo James xx