A quick review of Q2 before you set your sights on Q3.
We’re kicking off Q3 now, how are you getting on?
I invite you to find some time today to reflect on the results that you have gained in these last three (and six) months and track your progress, wins, and learnings. The most successful business owners regularly check their figures and analyse their data. You want to know where all your time, efforts and energy has been most effective, don’t you? Great!
Taking time to work on your business today will help you gain more results in the future. Let’s go!
Remember my #1 rule for Business Growth –
“Repeat what works, tweak what’s not, or ditch it”
First, let’s look at what worked well for you and your business from April to June, (Q2). Grab your notebook and a pen and you’ll need your calendar and invoice sheet.
Reflect on these 7 Business Boosting Questions
1. What are your conversion rates from your sales activity? e.g. How many calls, meetings, and presentations did you make? What results did you gain? What did you not win? Can you see why not? What you can do differently next quarter to convert more business?
2. What marketing activities gave you leads that converted to new business?
3. Who recommended new business contacts to you? – Have you thanked them? Can you reciprocate?
4. What networking events gave you valuable contacts? When are you attending again?
5. What blog titles or newsletter subject headers gave you the highest open rates, shares, and importantly, good enquiries?
6. Was there something new you did that gave you the results you were looking for?
7. How do you feel? An important piece of evidence to be aware of. Happy, satisfied, confident? Or do you need to change your thinking to change how you feel?
Reflecting on what’s worked well will give you a good boost and identify what to repeat, tweak or ditch for Q3 and beyond!
Looking at your answers, what are you pleased with? What are you proud of achieving? Where needs your attention?
And treat yourself! If you had a good boss, they would reward you for your results. So, treat yourself!
If you want to get more clarity on exactly WHAT to do WHEN in your business, please email me and let’s talk.
A clarity session with me will give you focus on where your energy and time is best prioritised for you to grow your business, and feel good doing it 🙂
I’m here to help and support you and develop your business.
To your success and happiness, enjoy reflecting on your results today, and here’s to you making good headway in Q3.
Jo James xx
P.S. If you’re feeling stuck or not sure what to focus on next, book a Business Development Clarity session for a 6-monthly check-up of your business and to see how you can develop your business prospects further this year.
Or maybe you’re starting a new business and would love to get clarity, direction and see your ideas come to life?
I’m here to help and support you with your goals. Get in touch today and get clarity, confidence, and more clients coming your way!
Contact me to book your clarity session today.
Let’s build your brilliant business.