A Summer Tune-Up
Wow, this bougainvillea is in full bloom and the skies are blue, and it’s the end of July already!
How did you get on?
To make your business bloom in full, reflect and review your month’s activities and goals to get clarity and focus for a bright summer, and beyond with these…
6 business-boosting questions for you to journal for success!
① From your list of goals for July, how many did you achieve?
② What are you most proud of achieving? And why?
③ What new habit did you put in place or commit to, which helped you to achieve your goals?
It’s always good to notice what you’re doing well and how you’ve generated success and identify what needs a tweak or two to improve your sales and marketing results even more in Q3 and beyond.
④ What stopped you from taking action on one of your goals in July?
⑤ What needs to change to help you achieve your August goals?
⑥ What opportunities did you start to pursue in July that you can continue to work on during August to help you reach your Q3 goals?
Get more clarity and focus for the summer months ahead.
Please get in touch if you’d like a fuller review of your business potential over the summer.
I’d love to help you and your business to thrive even more, giving you clarity, focus, and direction.
What do you want to work on? What isn’t clear enough, or needs brainstorming together to find your focus?
Working together allows you to have space and time to work on your business, and get answers to your questions.
Imagine how good that will feel!
A client who specialises in branding recently said “I help all my clients with their marketing, but I can’t see the wood for the trees with my business! I’m so glad I spent time with you, I feel clearer now and know what to do going forward. Thank you for answering all my questions!”
What do you need clarity on?
If you’d like to book a chat to get more clarity and elevate your business over the summer, email here today about a Summer Tune-Up session with me and get set for September, and beyond!